So this is Cookie’s morning ritual after getting up. Every day. Mr C. took the video this morning and now it appears amongst the beauty tutorials on YouTube. Haha.

But it’s amazing how also dogs stick to their daily routine. I guess that’s one reason, why human beings and dogs go well together. Like every weekend, she comes into our bedroom to say good morning before going back to bed. During the week when we get up earlier, she never does that as fortunately she’s a lazy dog. She has developed so many little routines that now that she is with us since 1.5 years, we know exactly what she’s gonna do next. One other routine that she has developed is stalking me in the bathroom. So many times when I go to the bathroom, I will find her sitting in front of the door when I come out again. Don’t ask! I wanna keep thinking that as a girl she’s naturally attracted by bathrooms.