It’s still way too warm considering that it’s end of November. When saying warm I mean it’s between 0 and 8 degrees celsius. I come to think that I like the global warming. It’s great like this… it’s cold enough to cook comforting winter dishes but also warm enough to enjoy a salad or falafel outside in the sun at lunchtime.

Here is the lentil soup, that is a combination of suggestions I received from readers and my own invention. This recipe is for the patient ones and not ideal for the quick cuisine after a working day. Be ready to have the lentils simmering for 2-3 hours before they are done.

What you need for 4 servings:

250 gr of green or brown lentils
500 – 800ml of water
1 cube of beef stock
80 – 90 gr of bacon (diced)
1 small onion
2 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon of tomato purée (concentrate)
2 dl of white wine
a dash of single cream
4 wiener sausages
chili or curry powder if desired

Put the lentils in a bowl and cover with cold water. Fry the bacon in a bit of olive oil in a large hot pan until lightly brown, add the onions and pressed garlic as well as the tomato concentrate. Put the lentils in a colander and drain. Make sure there are no little stones that could make you loose a tooth. Add the lentils to the bacon mix and stir. Then add the white wine and let simmer for a couple of minutes. Add 500ml of water and the cube of beef stock. Mix well and cover. Let simmer on low fire and stir every now and then until the water is gone. If the lentils are not soft yet, add more water and continue to have it on low fire. You can add some chili or curry powder if desired. When almost done, add salt and pepper and a bit of cream. Cut the wiener sausages into the lentil soup and continue to simmer until they are warm. Serve with fresh crusty bread.

Recipe Source: Own creation inspired by childhood memories and reader’s suggestions
Recommended music while cooking this: Silversun Pickups – Catch and Release

Btw it’s really hard to make tempting photos of lentils… somehow they always look a bit… well you know… . But the taste definitely makes up for the look! Give it a try!