Mr C. and I made it a habit to go for a long weekend or vacation when it’s one of our birthdays. It comes in handy that our birthdays are 6 months apart so we can enjoy winter and summer vacations. After an amazing week in New York for my birthday last June, we spent Mr C’s birthday last week in Davos in the Swiss alps. While there was not much snow the weeks before, we got quite a lot during our stay there. It was wonderful: days spent outside in the beautiful nature, long hikes in the snow, read next to the fireplace, eat in amazing restaurants and enjoy the peace and quiet of the little chalet we rented. It was located in Sertig, a remote valley close to Davos with just a couple of houses.

I have to say that after a week in the mountains I felt so healthy and alive. My skin was glowing and I moved a lot more than I usually do. It makes me realise how bad my office job is for my health. Working 10 – 12 hours a day in a climatised high rise without a chance to move – besides running from one meeting to another – often makes me feel worn out. Usually I don’t have the energy to cook a proper meal after work, let alone to do sports. This vacation week has shown me how good it feels to move and spend time outdoors. We tried cross-country skiing and had a lot of fun doing it. I hope we get the chance to practice this more often close to our home during winter. So my new years resolution has been set: move more!

Our recommendations for Davos:

Grischa Lounge for a pre-dinner drink by the fire
Pöstli Grill at Morosani Pöstli Hotel for a good piece of meat
Jatzhütte on Jakobshorn for a lunch with a view
Kaffee Klatsch for an afternoon coffee and cake
Pizzeria Padrino for a great pizza combined with Italian hospitality
Hiking from Ischalp to Clavadeler Alp on Jakobshorn for true winter feeling and beautiful views
Glühwein at Bolgenplaza for a true après-ski feeling

Of course there are a lot more things to do and see in Davos. We were mostly active around the Jakobshorn area as it offers beautiful walks combined with good mountain restaurants. It is also easy to access as there is the train station Davos-Platz nearby and a huge car park opposite.

View from our bedroom

View from our bedroom

Our home for a week.

Our home for a week.

Winter feeling

Winter feeling

Walking in Davos with looots of snow.

Walking in Davos with looots of snow.

Relaxing by the fire.

Relaxing by the fire.

Beautiful Sertig valley.

Beautiful Sertig valley.

How much better can things get?

How much better can things get?