This was the first dish Mr C. did for me that I really liked, which is not a big surprise as it contains lots of garlic. He only started to discover that he inherited the cooking gene of his father last year and he has spent lots of time perfecting his focaccia and bruschetta making skills since. I am a thankful test eater and meanwhile he has extended his repertoire to stuffed peperoni, insalata di polpo and calzone. More to come I hope.

What you need (as an appetizer for 4):

1 large white bread like ciabatta or baguette
20 cherry tomatoes
2 garlic cloves (plus one extra)
extra vergine olive oil

Cut the cherry tomatoes and garlic cloves into small pieces.  Mix it in a bowl and add salt and pepper according to taste. Add 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil and mix in well. Let the mix sit for 30 minutes. Meanwhile cut the bread and grill it in the oven. You don’t need to roast them as dark as we do, but we like them that way.

Take the extra garlic clove and scratch it onto the warm bread. Top with tomato mix and enjoy.

Recipe source: Mr. C
Recommended music while cooking this: album by Katzenjammer – A Kiss before you go