We don’t spend weekends away within Switzerland so often. Usually we do short trips abroad whenever we want to see something else. Big mistake as we realised two weeks ago. My father turned 70 and we took this as an opportunity to take him for a weekend hiking in the Engadin. We were lucky enough to have to most beautiful weather you can imagine. It was perfect for hiking, crisp and cold in the morning and warm enough for a shirt in the afternoon. I loved the yellow trees against the blue skies and couldn’t stop mentioning how beautiful it is. Every time we go away, I also realise how much longer the weekend seems to be when you are actively doing something and how relaxing time in the nature is.

If you ever happen to be in this part of the world and explore the Engadin, book a room at Chesa Salis. Such a gorgeous place! They also have amazingly good food, so after a long day outdoors there’s no need to leave your hotel anymore.

Last weekend we got the first snow here in Zurich and of course I caught a cold instantly. My week was filled with sleep and soup.