As we are in the middle of packed boxes and dismantled furniture, our cooking has not been very exciting lately. We were emptying our freezer and fridge and now are left with two pans and 4 dishes. Everything else is packed up and we are more or less ready to move. But as times are also very busy and physically demanding, we still try to eat things with substance and not only live on baguettes, potato chips and ice cream. One of my most favourite dishes that is so easy and quick to do, is Flammkuchen or tarte flambée, an Alsatian speciality. Here in Switzerland you can buy ready made Flammkuchen dough in most supermarkets but if you have to do the pastry yourself, this is how to:

For 4 tartes flambées (6-8 people):

400 gr plain flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 cube of fresh yeast (approx. 10 gr), crumbled
2 1/2 – 3 dl of tepid water
2 tbsp olive oil

Mix the yeast with a bit of the lukewarm water, then add it with the rest of the water, the salt and the oil to the flour and combine everything to a soft and smooth dough. You can also throw everything together in a food processor and let it do the job for you. Let it rise to the double for about 1 hour. Then part the dough into 4 portions and form each piece with lots of flour into square, rectangular or round shapes, approx. 2mm thick. Put it on a baking paper.


400 gr crème fraîche (sour cream)
400 gr onions, thinly sliced (you can use red or white onions)
350 gr of bacon bits

Pre-heat oven to 250 – 300 degrees celsius. Meanwhile distribute the sour cream evenly on your pastries, leaving about 1cm on the sides. Add the onion rings and bacon and finish off with some pepper. If you want to make it look nice, you can roll the sides to a nice crust. Move the tarte onto a baking tray by pulling the paper on it. Bake them after each other, each for around 5 – 8 mins in the middle of your oven.

Serve as an antipasto with a glass of white wine or with a salad as dinner. You can do variations with herbs, fresh chili, mushrooms, etc. I love the original version though.

Recipe Source: Written on a piece of paper that a friend gave to me.
Recommended music while cooking this: Liars – WIXIW