Mr C. and me are having two weeks off and besides the wedding in Italy next week, we have not made any plans. This finally gives us some time to discover areas of Switzerland that we haven’t been to yet and at the same time spend a lot of time with our dog (and teach her things like how to behave in restaurants). Yesterday we went to Kemmeriboden in the Emmental. The area is truly beautiful and we enjoyed a nice lunch outside.

It wasn’t Cookie’s day though. She got stung by one of the wasps that were surrounding us during lunch. She had a bit of a shock and was all shaky but recovered very quickly. Later on we took her for a walk in our neighbourhood and all of a sudden she was disappearing behind some low bushes and all we saw were two black little things running behind the bush, one with a long tail sticking up. Suddenly Cookie runs like a missile from behind the bushes seeking for protection. I think it was one of her rare encounters with a cat. Considering that some people think that French Bulldogs are dangerous and aggressive, it’s quite funny to see that she was running away from a cat. She is such a wussy but I’m glad she ran away and did not lose an eye.

Cookie recovering on Mr. C’s lap after her encounter with a wasp