Not that I just love the shawl itself, I also love the name! Sue Ellen at the Rodeo Drive is the proof that it’s not all just down to Paris and New York when it comes to good design. It also can be found in Switzerland!

I discovered my latest object of desire in Zurich and immediately fell in love with this elegant and at the same time casual combination of leather and wool. It comes in various colours, all very nicely composed and perfect for the upcoming autumn days. Immediately I imagined this beautiful piece wrapped around my neck, combined with a blazer and skinny jeans. Unfortunately until now it remained a dream as the price is an investment I need to think of twice. Considering that it is made of 162 single pieces of finest leather that are crocheted together by hand, it is absolutely worth its price though. After all we are talking of approx. 50 hours of work here and it’s a handcrafted item that will last!

This amazing garment is produced by greenbug, a Swiss company that manufactures everything in Switzerland but ships worldwide (lucky you!) through their online shop. Be quick to check out Sue Ellen’s other colours before everything is sold out!

 Picture courtesy of greenbug